
Performing quality statistical analysis is a critical component of clinical research, ensuring results are accurate and stand up to FDA scrutiny.

Confidence in Study Results

The Baim Institute possesses a leading data analysis center, having completed analyses for more than 150 cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, and psychiatric studies. The team is led by a group of world-class statisticians with industry and FDA experience who work closely with our affiliated faculty and operational experts to provide statistical services to our sponsors.

Our statistical team can perform analyses for manuscripts based on clinical data obtained from many sources. As an example, the Baim Institute currently serves as a data analytic center for the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) PINNACLE Registry, performing various analyses for manuscripts based on the data from this registry.

The Baim Institute provides the following statistical services to our clients:

  • Generation of data displays for Clinical Study and DSMB Reports
  • Independent validation of sponsor statistical analyses
  • Oversight of secondary publications from studies
  • Statistical analyses in support of manuscripts

The biostatistics team is led by Dr. Ralph D’Agostino, Professor of Mathematics/Statistics, Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Boston University, Co-Principal Investigator of the Core contract and Director of Data Management and Statistical Analysis for the Framingham Heart Study, and Executive Director, Biostatistics, the Baim Institute.