The Baim Institute is a full service academic research organization combining medical expertise with complete, flexible operational/logistical research services to meet the specific needs of each research sponsor.
Clinical trial design is the critical step to assessing or establishing the viability of a novel drug,device, biologic, diagnostic, or intervention. Baim works collaboratively with the stakeholders, reviews the science, and designs a study that can be effectively implemented at tria sites, assuring that enrollment goalsl are met.
Much of the operational success of a clinical trial is driven by the involvement of the leadership team. At Baim Institute, clinical trialists are also faculty experts in the disease or condition of interest and are matched with the study to ensure success.
Baim nurtures relationships with world-renowned and respected investigators and coordinators around the world. Our experience has created contacts across continents with the shared goal of executing clinical trials that add to our knowledge base.
Maintaining independence and consistency by ensuring adherence to protocol-defined endpoint events is a vital aspect of many clinical studies. The Baim Institute is consistently innovating our process and has set the industry gold standard in clinical endpoint event adjudication.
The Baim Institute provides the necessary resources to process Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) that occur in a clinical study, enabling our sponsors to properly report instances to the competent authorities. Additionally, our in-house medical monitors provide review of safety trends and SAEs, as well as serve as a resource to sites for protocol and safety-related questions.
Quality study results rely upon the capture of quality data. At the onset of a study, the Baim Institute’s data management team ensures that all of the necessary data for a study is captured in the database and that the final dataset is clean, locked, and ready for analysis.
Productive, quality sites are a critical success factor for clinical studies. The Baim Institute has developed relationships with hundreds of high-quality sites throughout North America to provide our sponsors with the resources necessary to enroll their clinical studies.
Performing quality statistical analysis is a critical component of clinical research, ensuring results are accurate and stand up to FDA scrutiny.
The Baim Institute provides niche academic services to augment clinical study management.
Electronic Health Records can serve both as a tool for subject identification, as well as a source of data for clinical analysis. The Baim Institute's Medical Informatics function assists sponsors by employing EHR data as the primary source for analyses or as a supplement to augment their dataset.
Selecting the right project manager sets the stage for successful study implementation. When new studies begin, the Baim Institute evaluates our team of project managers to ensure that the selected individual possesses the requisite background and experience to effectively manage the study in close collaboration with our sponsors.
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